
The Mid-Season Blind Draw Doubles Money Tournament (There must be a shorter way of saying that) will take place this Saturday, September 19th in Hollywood and 3 Alley Seoul.

Sign ups will be in Hollywood from 3-3:45pm and play will start at both bars as close to 4pm as possible.

The fee for entering the tournament is 10,000won and any player who has taken part in 3 matches this season can compete. The prizes on offer are as follows:

1st Place Pair: 240,000won + Trophy

2nd Place Pair: 160,000won

3rd Place Pair: 120,000won

4th Place Pair: 80,000won

5th-8th Place Pairs: 40,000won

This tournament will be seeded and a high ranked player will be partnered with a low ranked player to negate the possibility of superhero pairings. Players will gain or lose ranking points depending on their performances.

I hope to see many of you on Saturday.

Category: News
Hits: 1489