
Whilst Lenny so ably updated you on what happened in the tournaments in terms of results, I thought it was time to update you on what has really happened in the last few weeks.

Firstly the tournaments, it was wonderful to see Song Yi walk off with her first ever trophy in the doubles but less thrilling to see Jun win his 178th tournament. The real highlights of the tournament were seeing people from different teams getting on so well, seeing break and runs and table runs, seeing quite amazing escapes (I wanted to say amazingly lucky escapes but I feel I might come across as bitter and I did rather roast Mark Barnes in my last blog), and finally seeing a player get totally bamboozled by the purple cloth on the Dolce table that he used the purple ball as the cue ball (Nice one, Johnny - and his partner was too busy getting drunk to warn him - pay attention Rickie!).

The singles tournament was less thrilling as I sat through a 45 minute opening game between the normally quick-fire Macca and Tae-hyun. By the time I woke up it had been reported that Thoto and Richard had been crowned as champions in the respective competitions. Well done to both!

And now on to league matters...

Championship A:

Thanks to draconian measures by our esteemed dictator, all teams who attended the captain's meeting were awarded a bonus 10 points and, as a result, Pinoy Mafia sunk, ever so briefly, to the foot of the table for not attending. I'm sure Troy will be thrilled at his team's commitment to the league. They have since been replaced by the Recessiontown Rats who have managed just 1 win in the last 6 weeks. They even managed to lose to their sister team for the first time ever. Shenanigans were stung by accusations that they wanted to be relegated and have since decided to go out all cues blazing. Wonky Dics have decided to be more consistent and Strokers have recovered from being hammered at Scrooge to move up to 2nd. The Nags still lead the way. The most interesting team are King Pub King who seem to want to make every match as exciting as possible. 7 matches have ended up 8-7 in their games. You can destroy teams if you want guys!

Championship B:

The last time I reported on this division I talked about the fine job Bombadeers were doing...let's forget I said that, shall we? Marvelous lead the way, although being British I do wish they'd spell it with two Ls. Apart from them, all the other teams in this division remain alarmingly...average. They have all won 4 or 5 matches. It must be quite depressing to be that mediocre? Please, please, please someone put a run together! King Pub, Super Power and Misfits seem the most likely to do something but they need to act soon. JJ's, Kozels and the Pain might have to scrap against relegation.

Championship C:

Phillie's Frigates still lead the way in this division although the gap has closed significantly. The most alarming thing about this division is the camaraderie between teams. There is just too much friendliness! Captains have been overheard saying how much they love each other, players have been exclaiming how much they adore playing with other teams in the division. Where has the aggression gone? What's wrong with saying we want to destroy this team? This division simply needs to man up (or woman up, I can't come across as being sexist) and kick some ass - otherwise it's just gay! (Bollocks, now I'm homophobic). Sweet Life, Scandal and Shih Tzu are leading the charge to catch the boys from HBC. The other big news is that Blame the Cue have finally won a match with the help (or hindrance) of JJ the tailor - see Lenny's meeting minutes write up for a full account of JJ's personality. They have been replaced at the bottom by Ballisticks.

Enjoy the second half of the season!

Catégorie : News
Affichages : 1466