
Upon further review of new evidence brought to the committee, it is clear that a player on the Wolfhound Dark Horses is a registered professional. The rules are very clear that if a player is registered as a professional, that player is not eligible. The committee did not want to make any major decisions until concrete evidence was received.

The rules are also very clear that if an ineligible player plays in a playoff game, the player's team must forfeit the match. 

Therefore, the committee has no choice but to forfeit the match to the JR Pub Pinoy Mafia. JR Pub will now be recognized as the champions.

Because the player in question also played in other playoff games, it is the decision of the Executive Committee that the Wolfhound Dark Horses shall be disqualified from the entire playoffs.

Therefore, 1st Place will be awarded to JR Pub Pinoy Mafia, 2nd Place will be vacated this season, and 3rd Place will be awarded to Sin Bin Strokers.

We apologize for the delay and confusion in this matter. We have, as a committee, discussed this at great length, and this is our final and unanimous committee decision.

운영진에서 알려드립니다.
울프하운드의 선수 중 프로에 등록된 선수가 있었음이 확인 되었습니다.

운영진의 입장에서는 이 모든 상황에 대해 최대한 공정한 결정을 내리려 했으나, 새로운 증거가 제시된만큼 힘든 결정을 내리게 되었습니다. 

울프하운드와 JR Pub Pinoy Mafia의 챔피언쉽 게임은 물론  해당선수가 참여했던 모든게임은 기권으로 처리 될 것이며,  그에 의거해 A리그의 챔피언은 JR Pub Pinoy Mafia,  3등은 Sin Bin Strokers에게 주어집니다.
여러가지 상황으로 인해 공교롭게도 이번시즌 A리그의 2등은 없습니다.

이런 결정을 내리게되어 매우 유감스럽지만, 운영진도 힘든 결정을 내린만큼  너그러운 양해 부탁드립니다.

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