

Date: Saturday December 8, 2012

Locations: Bless U, Dolce Vita, JR Pub, Seoul Pub

Mode: Singles tournament in 2 brackets based on player ratings on the day of the tournament. All registered players will be separated into upper and lower ratings brackets, with an equal number of players per bracket.


Time: December 8, 3pm - 3.45pm, Bless U (tournament starts 4pm)

Fee: KRW10,000 per player

Requirements: Participating players need to have played onĀ 5 different match days in the current season. Check whether you fulfil this requirement by clicking menu Statistics, then Qualifiers, then select option Mid-Season Qualifiers and scroll down to find your team.


No trophies will be awarded for the winners of this tournament.

The following prize money will be awarded to the winners in each bracket on the day of play:

1st: 400k (KRW400,000), 2nd: 200k, 3rd: 100k, 4th: 60k, 5th-8th: 30k

Category: Announcements
Hits: 1544