
This Saturday, we implore you to participate in a fiesta of cuemanship, or cuewomanship, on the green baize. Basically, it's our End of Season Doubles Trophy Tournament.


Date: Saturday, May 18th

Venues: JR Pub & Catch Me

Sign Ups: 3:00 - 3:45pm in JR Pub

Entry: Free to those who have played 3 separate weeks of this season.

Incentives: Trophies for those placed in the top 3...and the orgy of self congratulation and adulation you'll feel as you pick up those trophies on the night of the Banquet...as long as you haven't buggered off on vacation by then.


The best players in the league will be paired with with those still learning to hold a pool cue...or something like that!

Hope to see many of you on Saturday.

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조회수: 1162