
This Saturday, you lucky people have the chance to take some hard earned cash from the IPL coffers...but only if you beat a load of other fine (upper bracket) or average (lower bracket) pool players in the process. It's our End of Season Singles Money Tournament.


Date: Saturday, May 25th

Venues: Dolce Vita, Scrooge, JJ's and King Pub

Sign Ups: Dolce Vita from 3:00-3:45pm

Entry: 10,000won to all those who have competed in three (3) separate weeks this season

Pay Outs: 1st Place: 240,000won (plus a trophy)

               2nd Place: 160,000won

               3rd Place: 120,000won

               4th Place: 80,000won

We hope to see many of you there on Saturday.


And while I have your undivided attention, we will have a tournament for Lenny Erickson on Saturday, June 1st. He is facing his second bout of major surgery this year and is unlikely to be walking, let alone working, for a 6 week period from the beginning of August. Lenny does a tremendous amount of work for the league, a lot of it unnoticed (unless you're lucky enough to work along side him), and this is your chance to say thank you by participating, donating and supporting an IPL legend and Hall of Famer. More details will follow next week. 

Kategorie: Uncategorised
Zugriffe: 8360