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Path:HomeUncategorised • Lenny Erickson Tournament


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This Saturday, June 1st, we will have a tournament to raise money for Mr. IPL (2012-present), Lenny Erickson. Lenny is facing his second round of serious surgery this year and will likely be absent from the Itaewon scene for around 6 weeks from the beginning of August. This tournament will aim to raise funds to help pay for the surgery and alleviate the burden of being unable to walk, let alone work, for a considerable period. We will have a raffle (including a cue, generously donated by Paul Riddle worth around 300,000won), a Calcutta Auction, and the tournament will be split into Upper and Lower Brackets. It's also a very good chance to warm up for the playoffs and it is something to do whilst we all wait for Tottenham vs Liverpool to kick off at 4am (Come On You Spurs!)


Date: Saturday, June 1st

Venues: Shenanigans & Scrooge

Sign Ups: Shenanigans 3:00-3:45pm

Cost: 10,000won entry + 5,000won buy back in


I will go around the venues on Wednesday to sell raffle tickets in advance to those who can't make the tournament but still want to help out a good man!


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