
The Itaewon Pool League Executive Committee would like to wish you all a wonderful New Year. The Year of the Rat (love the sound of that)!


The Winter/Spring 2020 season is well underway, and I am sure that you have noticed a major difference in the structure of the league this season. No divisions, every team plays every other team one time. With nineteen teams, that means that each team will have eighteen matches and one bye. Works out pretty well. There will be some blowouts, but it should make for a pretty social season with everyone playing everyone.


The playoffs will be divided into three divisions, based on final season totals. The top five teams will be going for the Erickson Cup, the middle seven teams will be going for the B Division Cup, and the bottom seven teams will be going for the C Division Cup. It should be pretty interesting.


As we mentioned at the Organizational Meeting, all teams need to pay their team fees (350,000 won) before matches begin on Wednesday, January 29th. I have already sent out messages to the captains of the teams that have not paid yet. Dom will be following up on that leading up to Wednesday. Don't make him angry. You wouldn't like him when he's angry.


Good news for our Korean players. A Korean version of the rules will be ready for the website very soon. We will let you know when it is up on the site.


We want to thank all the captains, players and bar owners for participating in our league this season. We hope you enjoy it! 

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