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Need a new tip put on or cue?

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il y a 9 ans 5 mois #858 par Mark Barnes
The other day I needed to get some work done, and heard Kimchee billiards was giving some people trouble. There is another shop at the same subway station.
He has Universal Cues, Adams Cues, and a bunch about a 1000 of low to mid range cues. [img size=500 ]https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/1888796_880080102023430_1640592651495581306_o.jpg][img size=500 ]https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/t31.0-8/10872956_880080108690096_7408363729776949408_o.jpg[/img]

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il y a 9 ans 5 mois #859 par Mark Barnes

Like most places it's hard to find, but from exit 8 kyodae station,
Turn down this alley, behind the building on the corner.
find this obscure building and go four floors up, past all the lawyer offices, and go to the steel door. just go in, someone should be there. Recommend calling first. cause they don't seem to work regular hours.

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il y a 8 ans 10 mois #915 par Ronan Spillane
Thanks for letting us know about this place Mark.I've had some work done there recently and it was really well done at a reasonable price.I'd have no hesitation at all in recommending this place.

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il y a 8 ans 10 mois - il y a 8 ans 10 mois #916 par Andy Luv
Réponse de Andy Luv sur le sujet Re:Need a new tip put on or cue?
Best tip change I've ever had done in S. Korea was done by Dan Kang in the IPL. He'll change your tip while you're waiting for your game. Just ask him nicely. :wink:
Dernière édition: il y a 8 ans 10 mois par Andy Luv.

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il y a 8 ans 8 mois #920 par Dan Kang
Réponse de Dan Kang sur le sujet Re:Need a new tip put on or cue?
Ah, thanks for the Luv, Andy Luv, but I've such limited time to do that any more, I would do it for very special circumstances, such as the same reason I recruit people on my team based on what I wrote in the other posting :)I would however concur with Marks recommendation at the shop he so graciously posted. The Universal shop guy does do great work and at a fair price. I would NOT recommend Kim Chi billiards.

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il y a 8 ans 8 mois #921 par Mark Barnes
They are top grade...No qualms aboutDan's work(also top grade), and as much of a friend of mine ashe is, I wouldn't recommend him simplybecause well damn themans busy andgot sh*t to do. Putting a tip on your cue is just not practically worth his time anymore. Though if you catch him in a charitable mood, buy him a shot of Jamesonfor his efforts atleast.Dan's buddy,-Mark.

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