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Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame

9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #893 by Lenny Erickson
At the last captains' meeting (which so few of you attended*, that I thought maybe I had read the schedule wrong and had shown up on the wrong day), a proposal was brought up and voted in by the 14 (a pathetically low number*) captains present. This proposal was to start an Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame. It was not really decided what the procedure would be for nominations and induction, but I would like to get the ball rolling here by making a few nominations myself. It was suggested that two inductees be elected each season, and that there be two categories – players and contributors.

I would propose to induct three people in the initial induction, simply because Bob Denny should, I feel, be the first inductee, and two more should follow him in the first season.

I feel that nominations should be made on this forum, with a brief description of how the particular individual has/had contributed to the league and why they should be considered as inductees. Then anyone with a login could comment on the pros and cons of inducting each candidate. I think that a Hall of Fame committee should be established – perhaps the executive committee plus past executives – and should then vote on the list of nominees and announce the decision at the end-of-season banquet. A Hall of Fame page will be added to the website, with a short write-up on the history and contributions of each inductee, along with (if available) a photograph of each inductee.

What would make someone a candidate for the IPL HOF? In my opinion, you need to ask these questions, 1)“Could the history of the Itaewon Pool League be written without mentioning this person's name?” and 2) “When I think of the Itaewon Pool League, past and present who comes to mind?” Of course, the small exception to that, is whether you would be mentioning that person's name because they had a positive or a negative influence on the league. So, just because an individual was/is famous for misbehaving, or getting drunk at tournaments, or getting banned from bars on a regular basis, they should not, in my opinion, earn a place in the Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame.

In the following posts, I am going to introduce a few nominees that I feel need to be included in the Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame. I am hoping that they will generate some discussion and create a little excitement for this idea, so please read them (regardless of how boring the writing may be) and post a comment or two.

I would like to throw in some honorable (or honourable, if you prefer) mentions before I formally nominate candidates for the IPL HOF.

When I first joined the league in 2003, not as a young man age-wise (let's face it, I haven't been a young man age-wise in decades), I was a newbie to the pool league culture. I was in awe of those players on the executive committee and at the top of the ratings list. My gosh, to reach 1800 seemed like reaching the summit of Mount Everest. And yet, there they were, those mythical 1800 and 1900 players, just wiping the table with me, toying with me, making it look so damned easy. So here are the names of some of those pool gods (in my eyes at the time).

Ken Barlow – the first player that I know of who reached a rating of 2000 – way back in 2004. You need to know that very very few players reached even 1900 back when I first started playing in the league. If you look at the Top 100 players of all time, you will notice that 60 of the 100 reached that list within the last 5 years. An 1800 player was as rare in those days as a 1900 player is today. So a rating of 2026 in 2004 was mind-boggling.

Michael Ha and Dan Goolsby – two players who used to play Friday nights at Bless U back in 2004 – 2005. Those two players had the smoothest strokes I had ever seen on a pool table. I would put my name on the board, win a few games, then watch one of them come in, put their name on the board, and knock me off like a piece of chalk, before holding the table the rest of the night.

Mike Halsey – He wasn't in the league very long, but what a great shooter, and even a greater guy. You couldn't have found a nicer, humbler person. And, what a pool player!

Darryl Dawson – Anyone who has played with or against Darryl knows the legend that is Darryl. The slowness and methodicalness of his play is legendary. I have actually seen the referee peek around at his face to see if he had fallen asleep holding his cue. Darryl was an original member of the league, way back in 2001. Anyone who causes the league to create a rule, (and has the rule unofficially named after him – the Darryl Dawson Rule) needs to be mentioned in this discussion.

There are others that I could mention, and in coming seasons, I probably will, God willing.

*I have idea how we can increase the attendance at captains' meetings. Each mid-season captains' meeting, we vote on how many bonus points teams will receive for attending the following season. We start with 5 points the first captains' meeting, and the next time we vote on keeping it at 5 points or raising it to 10. The next season, the captains present vote on keeping it at the current rate (either 5 or 10 points, depending on the previous season's vote) or raising it by 5. This continues every season. This will make captains want to come to the meetings to get a chunk of points, or to vote not to raise it the next season. Either way, attendance should improve. This vote would not be done at the organizational meeting, only the mid-season captains' meetings.

So without further ado, the next posts will be my nominees for the inaugural class of the Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame.

Lenny Erickson

Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Lenny Erickson.

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9 years 2 months ago #894 by Mark Barnes
I'm frankly shocked you didn't try to name the hall of fame after yourself.

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9 years 2 months ago #895 by Lenny Erickson
Give it time, Mark.

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9 years 2 months ago - 9 years 2 months ago #896 by Paul Riddle
Great Idea! Bob Denny should definitely be first.
For me it would have to be Larry 'Boxer' Bhoy, god rest his soul.He was probably the best player in the league when I joined in 2012. He was a fierce competitor, and a nice guy. He passed away in the Philippines last year but will always be remembered. I'm 0-3 in my games with him in the Itaewon Finals. He's the one I always wanted to have my revenge on but alas will never have the chance.
Dewey. I know you were all thinking of him near the top of your lists. Character aside, he was one of the best players ever in IPL. I met him when he had been sick and was recovering. We played quite a bit together at Randy's Bar and also Tilt in Hongdae. He was always open with advice on shots missed and never failed to point out how much of a dumbass I had been shooting a certain shot lol. He had good intentions. He believed I could be better, and he made me believe it too.
Jeong Yong Shim. I've never seen a player make such a fantastic comeback in pool. When he first started playing for my team after a many year hiatus, he was rusty and just showing signs of his former glory as the 3rd all time highest point holder. What incredible improvement he has made! Look at his special games this season. Last season he was number one in points. Lastly, he's a hell of a guy despite (because of) trying to get me drunk on whiskey before our last match! Solid recommendation!
Last edit: 9 years 2 months ago by Paul Riddle.

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