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Sin Bin Potato vs Bulldog Estyle

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8 년 3 일 전 #993 작성자 Dominic Johnson
It was an extraordinary match! The match ebbed and flowed this way and that. Highs and lows for both teams. Intense safety battles and nail biting tension. It was almost interrupted by a fight in the background. It featured an 8 ball run, a game that lasted 45 minutes, an unfortunate black ball foul, a touch of controversy, more deliberate fouls than I have witnessed before in one match and the most ridiculous break off shot I have ever seen. Despite all this it was played in a great spirit. More than 5 hours of pure sporting theatre. I don't think I've been involved in a match like it.
Neither team deserved to be eliminated and many commiserations to Bulldog Estyle. You played and fought superbly and it was a match worthy of a final. Best wishes for next season.

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.053 초


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