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Change in season format

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il y a 7 ans 11 mois #1016 par Bernard Condrau
I would like to propose to shorten the regular season to 18 weeks, so that the playoffs can be played during Wednesdays only.
A number of teams keep having problems fielding their strongest team on Sundays. Many of our Korean members have family duties over weekends; while the league for them might be a priority, it's not for their family members.
Just some thoughts for discussion at the banquet and the team registration meeting.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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il y a 7 ans 11 mois #1035 par Joshua Suarez
Réponse de Joshua Suarez sur le sujet Re:Change in season format
I like this Bernard. Family is important. I would also propose shortening the weekly games to say 12 or 13 games... or beginning earlier... (say 7:00PM by reducing the 'practice' time - ) Ending after 11:00 each Wednesday is tough sometimes with family... a lot of people work early Thursday as well.. Cheers~!

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