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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Hall of Fame Nominations: Lenny Erickson


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Hall of Fame Nominations: Lenny Erickson

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il y a 6 ans 11 mois #1118 par Mark Barnes
I would like to nominate Lenny Erickson to the Hall of fame,
ConsistentlyservingMC at the banquetServing many times as league president and other various league officesKeeping the forum a place to rebuke those around him
Dedicated Captain, awful player and ingeneral good sport!
Please God Someone find the Creepy picture of him for his Bio...www.itaewonpool.org/index.php?option=com...181&Itemid=7&lang=en

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il y a 6 ans 11 mois #1130 par Dominic Johnson
I would like to second this nomination.
When I had the idea for this kind of award I saw it as a way of thanking those who had selflessly given up their time, effort and energy into making the IPL a place where we can enjoy competition, fun and camaraderie. From my short time in the league I wanted to make sure Bernard, Jim and Lenny got the recognition they deserved for their tireless efforts. We have since honoured Jim and Bernard and I believe it is time we should thank Lenny.
Only those who have worked closely with him know the full extent of his enthusiasm and passion for the league. He has recently endured a horrendous week, in which some players have behaved less than admirably, but he has carried himself with dignity, tried to empathise with others and showed an unbelievable amount of calmness in the face of severe hostility.
He cares for everyone in the league and he really is the best of us.

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