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Captains' Timeouts

13 Jahre 9 Monate her #28 von Jeff Potter
Captains' Timeouts wurde erstellt von Jeff Potter
Just curious. Can players on a team tell their captain (when someone else is playing) that they need to call a 'timeout'?

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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #29 von Bernard Condrau
No one is allowed to talk or hint to a player.... (rule 1.6.1) .... time-out .... may be called by the player or the captain.... (rule 1.6.2).
Team members other than the captain are not allowed to call "timeout"; asking the captain to call a time-out in a way the player can hear it may be seen as hinting to the player and may be treated as foul. However, I don't see a reason why hinting to the captain to call a time-out should not be allowed, as long as the player is not hinted at the same time.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #30 von Jeff Potter
That's what I thought. Thanks.Maybe that should be added to the rules as it was a topic of discussion in our match last night.

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