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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumRules • Positioning the bridge for a teammate?


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Positioning the bridge for a teammate?

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8 년 4 월 전 #967 작성자 John Owens
Let me preface this by saying it did not affect the outcome of the game in question. But...During a match last night, one player positioned the bridge (rest) for his teammate during a timeout.Despite us having comprehensive rules of play, this does not seem to be covered:1.6.6. Singles game. Any player of the same team may touch or position the cue ball during a time out in a ball in hand situation. Doubles game. Both doubles players of the same team may touch or position the cue ball before the break and in a ball in hand situation.1.6.7. No one may mark the table to help assist the shooter. This is to include any visible mark(s) on the table, placing chalk on the rail for an aiming spot, etc. The coach can touch the table though, if it does not leave a mark. This will be up to the discretion of the referee.It would be good to have this clarified at some point.What does everyone think? Should it be permitted or should it be a foul?

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8 년 4 월 전 #968 작성자 Bernard Condrau
I would allow this, the same as placing the cue ball is allowed. Leaving marks is different, as it helps in shot making.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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8 년 3 월 전 #970 작성자 Mark Barnes
I think this would be a kin to coaching the shot which I believe is still 'verboten'.

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8 년 3 월 전 - 8 년 3 월 전 #971 작성자 Mike Park
If the bridge was positioned in a way that the shooter only had to align his cue with the bridge to make the shot, positioning the bridge should not be allowed. The rule states that no visible mark should be made to assist aiming.
Last edit: 8 년 3 월 전 by Mike Park.

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8 년 3 월 전 #972 작성자 John Owens
I agree with Mike Park. I suggest this be put to a vote at the next captains' meeting.

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8 년 3 월 전 #973 작성자 Mark Barnes
...... just mike huh?... I see how it is OWENS...

[John Owens 2016-02-17, 11:30:56]:
I agree with Mike Park. I suggest this be put to a vote at the next captains' meeting.

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.041 초


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