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Path:HomeLeagueNews • Dewey Song Family Fund Tournament


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There will be a fundraising tournament for the widow and son of Dewey Song on Saturday, July 5th.

Registration will be at Sin Bin from 3:00 to 3:45, tournament starts at 4:00 and will be played at Sin Bin and Bulldog.

10,000 won entry fee. Double elimination tournament. Type of tournament will be determined by the number of players. If enough players register, it will be a blind-draw scotch-doubles tournament. If the numbers are small, it will be a singles tournament.

This is not an IPL tournament, so ratings will not be affected. The sole purpose of this tournament is to raise money for Dewey Song's widow and young son, therefore no prizes will be paid out to winners.

There will also be a donation box available at the bars, if someone is so inclined to donate additional money (The Shenanigans Boomtown Rats and the Shenanigans team have combined to donate 220,000 won, so I challenge other teams to match that sum).

Sin Bin will be donating 500 won per beer and house doubles bought by tournament players, as well.

Let's make it a fun day, and a charitable day.


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