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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumRules • Playoff qualifications too stringent in short season with many byes


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Playoff qualifications too stringent in short season with many byes

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il y a 6 ans 6 mois #1169 par John Owens
Some teams had 2 byes this season. Bull Shih Tzu (amongst others) had four. FOUR!This! In a reduced season of 18 weeks! Any chance we can lower the qualification barrier from 5 weeks to4 weeks so that we can actually field a team for the playoffs?(It still wouldn't qualify me, BTW-- not that I'd play on Sundays anyway...! DEATH TO SUNDAY

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il y a 6 ans 6 mois - il y a 6 ans 6 mois #1170 par Lenny Erickson
We have heard your plea, John Owens, and the Executive Committee have decided to take pity upon you and your ilk.This season, because of the abbreviated schedule, the threshold for playoff qualification will be lowered to 4 matches.
Dernière édition: il y a 6 ans 6 mois par Lenny Erickson.

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