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Path:HomeLeagueNews • Important Dates for the Summer/Fall 2014 Season


본 사이트 사용을 위해 자바스크립트를 허용해야 합니다

Here are the dates that you need to be aware of for this season:

Wednesday, July 30th - deadline to have all team dues paid

Saturday, September 20th - Mid-season double-elimination singles trophy tournament

Sunday, September 21st - Mid-season captains' meeting

Saturday, September 27th - Mid-season double-elimination blind draw doubles money tournament

Wednesday, November 26th - last regular season matches

Sunday, November 30th; Wednesday, December 3rd; Sunday, December 7th; Wednesday, December 10th - Playoffs

Saturday, December 13th - End-of-season double-elimination singles money tournament

Friday, December 19th - End-of-season banquet


우리는 쿠키를 사용하여 학대를 막기 위해 사이트 경험과 보안 문자를 향상시킵니다. 우리는 추적 또는 사용자 식별을 위해 쿠키를 사용하지 않습니다. 자세한 내용은 개인 정보 보호 정책을 읽으십시오.