
Mid-season Double Tournament

The Mid-season blind draw double money tournament will be held Saturday, September 23rd.

The tournament will be held at The Hidden Cellar and Phillie's.

Signups will be at The Hidden Cellar from 3:00-3:45. The tournament will begin as close to 4:00 as possible. Please don't come after 4:00 and beg us to let you play. We won't.

It will be a blind-draw, double-elimination scotch doubles tournament, with high-ranking players being teamed with lower-ranking players.

Entry fee is 10,000 won per player. Players must have played in at least three matches this season to qualify for the tournament.

The tournament will count toward player ratings. There will be trophies awarded at the end of the season to the first-place pair, plus a cash payout as follows:

First place team - 200,000 won

Second place team - 140,000 won

Third place team - 100,000 won

Fourth place team - 60,000 won

As was mentioned in the Organizational Meeting, only the top 4 teams will get payouts.

I hope to see a good turnout!

Mid-season Captains' Meeting

The following day, Sunday, September 24th, will be the mid-season captains' meeting.

The meeting will be held at 5:00 pm at Shenanigans.

Because of the overwhelming popularity of awarding 10 points last season for attending, we shall again be awarding 10 points for attending this season!

We will be voting on two very important issues regarding next season's schedule.

We will be voting first on whether to keep the current Australian-style playoff format, or to go back to a more conventional one-and-done playoff format.

We will then be voting on whether we should eliminate Sunday playoff matches, which would require fewer match weeks in order to fit two seasons into a calendar year. Much to think about!

Make sure your team has a representative at the meeting, and that your representative stays for the whole meeting.

Busy, busy weekend!

카테고리: News
조회수: 1112