
The tournament to raise funds for our president, Lenny Erickson, will take place this Saturday, November 24th.

Sign Ups will be in Shenanigans from 3-3:45pm.

Play will also spill over into Scrooge Pub.

Play will begin as close to 4:30 as possible after the Raffle Draw and Calcutta.

The tournament will be divided into upper and lower brackets but everyone is welcome to participate.

It will be double elimination, it is 10,000won to enter, 5,000won to buy back in and any fouls or scratches will cost players a further 1,000won.

We are raising funds to support Lenny who is facing his first bout of surgery to reconstruct his knee on January 19th. Thank you all those who have generously bought raffle tickets and offered to donate prizes. A huge thank you to all captains for their support during the last few weeks. You really are brilliant. Having said that, it's about time you had the piss taken out of you with my season review...

Championship A:

It's a sad thing to say but I must start with a legal notice: Lawyers from Team Pogi got in touch with the IPL lawyers (who incidentally didn't exist until Team Pogi's lawyers wanted to speak to them) and demanded the league retract its comment that Team Pogi was narcissistic. We, the league committee, have agreed we will not use the word narcissistic in conjunction with Team Pogi ever again. In fact, we are now no longer allowed to use the word narcissistic within 50 yards of JR Pub. We now accept that 'Pogi' is a word that Filipinos use as a greeting. If you are still in any doubt I urge to look up the word 'Pogi' on google just so you know un-narcissistic it is. I think the lawyers will be happy now! Team Pogi itself has absolutely destroyed Championship A but they have also proved themselves 'touchable' thanks to an extraordinary BRats comeback in week 13. Strokers have been embroiled in controversy in the last week, they were observed verbally assaulting a C Championship side this past week. Demanding that Jackpot strip naked and and hold a pool cue in the corner of the room while Paul, Joe, Matt et al. gave them a damn good thrashing. Also seen dishing out punishment this past week are the Angry Birds. They were so annoyed at having to play another team that infringed on their feathered copyright they duly smashed them 15-0. BRats were far kinder to Pheasants and allowed them to take a 3-2 lead at one point. Also taking a kind approach are Catch Me If You Can, who allowed a B Championship side to not only catch them but give them a Goliath spanking too. CMIYC should take a leaf out of King Pub's book and learn that what you do with teams from Dolce Vita is give them a hiding. Josh, Woojae, Sam...you have been in the league for years, have you learned nothing? Then, there comes the sorry tale of the Wonks...I'm beginning to feel so sorry for their plight that I feel that if I were to take the Michael out of them it would be like kicking away a blind man's stick (that does not in any way mean I believe Wonky's are a team of blind men holding sticks, I have had too much trouble with lawyers these days).

Championship B:

Ah, the safety of not getting sued in Championship B! Unless, of course, I accidentally suggest again that one or more of these teams sandbags in their last game to avoid promotion to the serene ship that is Championship A. I want to make it quite clear that no team would ever dream of deliberately losing in the last round of matches, Willy...oops, sorry...I meant to say Will they?...I think I got away with it. Sweet Life should secure top spot with a newly crowned upper bracket singles champion amongst their ranks. Rat Chow should get another season in B with a bye this week. Vagabonds could possibly cause an upset with a result yet to go in, but a final game against the Recession-City Mice or the Boomtown Rats (they really are a Jekyll and Hyde team) might prove a step too far. The Pain could also squeak up but that's as likely as scratching your arse with your elbow. The other issue is the relegation from this division, which is as tight as a jar of peanut butter at a squirrel convention. Jumping Jacks have a result to go in but then play the good King Pub, not that Jackpot are bad, they just...oh hell, call the lawyers again! Anyway, the smart money is on Black Hole surviving...please forgive the abyss joke in my last review, it was just a joke...you guys are far too serious!!!!

Championship C:

Finally, nothing can go wrong here! The three way battle for promotion is between Money Shot Scandal and Frigates. Sorry, there should have been a comma between Money Shot and Scandal. I don't wish to suggest for a moment the league is involved in a money shot scandal! I thought I could say what I liked in Championship C without the PC police coming down hard on me, apologies for the unintended innuendo. Anyway, Money Shot should gain promotion as they play Catch Me If You Can and we all know what happens when they play teams from DV. Failing that, Frigates have a "nice easy game" against the "threatening" Strokers. Failing that, the door will be left open for Scandal who have a Championship A side as well, but it's only the Wonky's (sorry, just a joke!). Why do you pool players make me write things that offend people...it's all your fault...I'm off to sue Lenny Erickson, he's the one who suggested I do this job and I know he'll be rolling in cash soon.

In all seriousness, thanks for a wonderful season and all the very best for the playoffs. It's a wonderful league to be a part of.

Kategorie: News
Zugriffe: 1367