

Date: March 24, 2012, 4pm

Locations: Bless U, Dolce Vita, Sin Bin, JR

Mode: Singles tournament in 2 brackets based on player rating on the day of the tournament. All registered players will be separated into a lower and upper ratings bracket, with an equal number of players per bracket.


Time: March 24, 3pm - 3.45pm, Bless U (tournament starts 4pm)

Fee: KRW10,000 per player

Requirements: Participating players need to have played on 3 different match days in the current season. Check whether you fulfil this requirement by clicking menu Statistics, then Qualifiers, then select option Mid-Season Qualifiers and scroll down to find your team.


Trophies for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each bracket will be awarded at the end-of-season banquet.

The following prize money will be awarded to the winners in each bracket on the day of play:

1st: 400k (KRW400,000), 2nd: 200k, 3rd: 100k, 4th: 60k, 5th-8th: 30k

카테고리: Announcements
조회수: 1566