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Path:HomeLeagueAnnouncements • Captains Meeting – 30 June 2010, 7.30pm


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1. Season schedule
Start of season: 7. July
End of regular season: 24. November
Playoff dates: 28. November, 1. December , 5. December, 8. December
End of season Banquet: 18. December

Tentative date mid-season tournament: 2. October
Tentative date end of season tournament: 11. December
Tentative date mid-season captains' meeting: 3. Oct (skipped if not necessary)

2. Season structure
Alternative proposal from Jim. Short reference to the introduction during the captains’ meeting 16 May 2010. Voted 17:3 by the captains to keep the current, proven league structure.


3. Rules
Proposal from Dabu: fill out the score sheets for one bracket only, then play the bracket. Proceed the same way for remaining brackets. Approved 15:2 by captains vote.


4. New website

The new website will be operational within a few days. The site, the code and the database is under the full control of the league officials. Although it has been tested, it is expected that some issues and unexpected behaviour will surface during the initial weeks of usage.


Every member of the league is asked to support this effort and, in case of difficul­ties with the site, contact the league officials, if possible with an error description.

5. Further info to the captains

1.      If rule questions or debates occur during a match, then the President or the Vice President may be contacted for clarification. If you submit your question by email, make sure to provide all necessary information to allow proper judgement of the situation.
However: fair judgement of a situation, a shot or a foul is difficult over the phone. In case that the involved parties cannot find a conclusion at the table, then the referee’s judgement will prevail.
Note: it is recommended to read through section 4 of our rules, which explains all the fouls. With this, the majority of issues can be judged properly.

2.      Doug will wait in Seoul Pub on Wednesday 7. and 14. July until midnight for the remaining payments of 200,000 Won per team (total 300,000 Won).

6. Team assignment to Divisions

Please refer to the website for a list of registered teams and the divisions.

Meeting closed at 9.10pm.


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