
Jim Dewey is a member of the league since 2001 and served the league ever since in various functions. Jim was President, Vice President, and Secretary over many years, and is still active as player and captain in the league.

Jim was born in a small town by name of Atlanta in Western New York State in the USA. Jim attended the University of Maryland outside of Washington DC. He studied fire protection engineering and has worked in fire protection engineering throughout his career. He has worked in New York City; Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; and Knoxville, Tennessee in the USA. Work has taken him around the world, letting him live in South Africa, Hong Kong, and Korea. Jim came to Korea in 1996 and has been here ever since. In addition to YJ and Dolce Vita, the pool league has been a significant part of his life in Korea for the past 16 years.

Kategorie: Announcements
Zugriffe: 1073