
Saturday 27th August: Mid-Season Singles Trophy Tournament.

Venues: JJ's, King Pub, JR Pub & Sin Bin

Sign Up: From 3-3:45pm in JJ's

Start: Play will begin at 4pm

Rules: Open and free of charge to anyone who has competed in 3 separate matches this season. Brackets will be split into Upper and Lower categories based on the rankings of those who compete that day. It will be a double elimination event.Players will gain or lose ranking points depending on their performance.

Please spread the word among your teams and I hope to see many of you there on Saturday.

Sunday 28th August: Mid-Season Captains' Meeting

Venue: Phillie's

Time: 5pm

Please contact members of the executive committee by Friday 26th August if you have any issues you feel should be raised at the meeting. All teams who send a representative will get a bonus point for their team.

There are some issues to be discussed/ voted on including home advantage in play-offs and scheduling difficulties.

We strongly encourage every team to be represented at the meeting.

Catégorie : Announcements
Affichages : 1674