
The Midseason captains' meeting was held on March 26th.

Due to tyrannical measures by the President of the Itaewon Pool League, such as awarding 10 points to all teams represented at the meeting, we had the largest turnout in recent history.

18 out of 23 teams were represented, and collected said 10 points.

Bull and Barrel Misfits

Bulldog Shih Tzu

Bulldog Superpower

Dolce Vita Blame the Cue (in the future, any team that sends JJ "Jack Coke" to the captains' meeting will be deducted 10 points)

Dolce Vita Sweet Life

Fat Alberts Scandal

JR Pub Black Hole

King Pub Seoul

King Pub The King

Phillie's Frigates

Phillie's Pheasants (by a tailfeather)

Scrooge Pub Marvelous

Scrooge Pub Wonky Dics

Shenanigans Boomtown Rats

Shenanigans Rat Killers (by a purely lucky coincidence)

Sin Bin Strokers

Wolfhound Dark Horses

Wolfhound Kozels

The remaining 5 teams somehow decided that they couldn't be strong-armed into attending anything, points be damned!

The meeting kicked off at 5:20 pm with a welcome and a thank you to all attending the meeting.

Item 1: Issues with the website.

Bernard had updated the website recently, and unfortunately it resulted in a lot of problems for the captains in terms of inputing scores. After much back and forth emailing with Bernard, and some "fixes" that fixed nothing, the problem was pinpointed and eliminated. There should be no more problems going forward.

The captains cheered this news lustily, and put their pitchforks away, much to the relief of the Executive Committee.

Item 2: Financials

Our diligent and artistic League Treasurer, Mark Jones, prepared some colorful and informative charts to illustrate the fact that the league has been spending more than it has been taking in for the past few seasons.

This is due to the fact that the current budget had been set based upon 28 or more teams, whereas our league has somewhat downsized to 23 teams. Therefore, the league needs to tighten its belt a little more.

With that in mind, we will be reducing the payouts for tournaments as follows:

Singles tournament:

Previous payout

1st Place 250,000

2nd Place 200,000

3rd Place 150,000

4th Place 100,000

5th-8th Place 40,000

New payout

1st Place 200,000

2nd Place 150,000

3rd Place 100,000

4th Place 80,000

5th-8th Place 25,000

Doubles Tournament:

Previous payout

1st Place 240,000

2nd Place 160,000

3rd Place 120,000

4th Place 80,000

5th-8th Place 40,000

New payout

1st Place 200,000

2nd Place 140,000

3rd Place 100,000

4th Place 60,000

5th-8th Place 30,000

If the league expands into more teams in future seasons, those figures could once again increase.

No one seemed to be distressed by these reductions to the payouts. Other ideas were bounced around about how money could be saved, but the league is running about as lean as possible at the moment.

Item 3: Bob Denny Award

The current method of determining the Bob Denny Sportsmanship Award winner (a website poll near the end of the season) seems to foster apathy and neglect. There has been very little voting each season. In order to make the award more meaningful, a new tyrannical approach seems in order. Seeing as I am a heavy-handed tyrant by nature, this seems like the perfect problem for me to tackle. Therefore, after I twisted the arm of every captain present at the meeting, and the arms of a few unfortunate bar staff, all present agreed to have the award determined by individual Kakao Talk messages between the President and the captains at the end of the season, with the Executive Committee tallying the votes and determining the winner. The captains agreed to consult their teams before putting in their vote.

Item 4: Hall of Fame Committee

Each season, someone is inducted into the IPL Hall of Fame. We are proposing that a committee be formed of current and former executive committee members to determine who the inductees should be.

This was met with blank stares and the shrugging of shoulders. Such is the life of being league president.

Dominic Johnson then reminded me to address the issue of teams having two byes during the season. I thanked him for his timely reminder, and proceeded to explain the following:

The schedule was a nightmare because of the number of teams and bars. In spite of computer programs and three people caressing it into 21 weeks, we couldn't avoid two teams having two byes each. They randomly turned out to be JR Pub Pinoy Mafia and Fat Albert's Scandal.

Since they have two byes, one bye will be scored as a "0", the same as for everyone else. For their 2nd bye, they will get their average match score (their total game wins, divided by 19) with a minimum of 8, and a match win point.

Miscellaneous Items:

1) We addressed the ever-present issue of slow play.

Due to some league members being military personnel, curfew is sometimes a factor. It was asked that teams accommodate those who must leave early by letting them play their games early.

Also, teams should be ready to rack and get the next game going as soon as the previous game has finished. This could potentially shave quite a few minutes off of each match.

Teams also need to be more strict in keeping timeouts to two minutes or less.

At this point, JJ "Jack Coke" said something incoherent. We did our best to smile and carry on.

2) Rules clarifications

We discussed some rules issues.

A) A ball or balls leaving the table and ending up off of the playing surface results in ball-in-hand, and the rogue ball staying down (except the 8-ball, which would result in a loss). However, if a ball leaves the table momentarily but ultimately comes back onto and remains on the table, it is not a ball-in-hand.

B) If, after a scratch on the break, the other player tries to shoot from outside the kitchen, the referee should inform the player of their impending mistake. It was decided by all present, that anyone present could inform the player without being penalized. This only applies to after a scratch on the break.

At this point, JJ "Jack Coke" interrupted again, and less smiling ensued.

c) If an obvious foul occurs without the referee noticing it, the foul should be enforced. If it is a questionable foul, the referee has final say. This should be resolved peacefully and civilly between the captains and the parties who witnessed the foul.

d) Mark Jones demonstrated that if the cue ball is frozen against an object ball, the shooter may shoot straight through the object ball without it being a foul. This is reflected in the IPL rules. JJ "Jack Coke" then wasted about 10 minutes disagreeing with this, with some very animated gyrations and demonstrations. When he would not shut the hell up, your esteemed president told him to shut the f*** up. He kind of did.

3) Sportsmanship

All present were reminded that this is a fun, recreational bar league, so we should try to keep it fun and conflict-free.

Larisa gave an impassioned plea for consideration and proper manners during matches, so that players will enjoy league night and not want to smash loud-mouthed people in the face and quit the league. She received a chorus of amens.

Mark Barnes then brought up a proposal to implement a "drink challenge" aspect to the league, where a player could challenge their opponent for a drink on any given game. He also proposed that drink challenges could be recorded on the website, and a Drink Challenge Champion award could be given at the end of the season. It was decided to bring this up for vote at the organizational meeting next season.

At this point, JJ "Jack Coke" went into the most mind-boggling tirade that this president has ever witnessed at a captains' meeting. He worked himself up into an impressive lather over the fact that bars no longer provide drinks to the visiting team, and informed us that he established the league, and ... Everyone present told him to shut the f*** up.

Russel John then suggested that the league adopt the dart league format where teams only play teams within their respective divisions. It was brought to his attention that it would reduce the chances of meeting other players and teams throughout the course of the season, and that it would result in a reduced season. It was agreed to not pursue this any further.

When it was determined that there was no other business to discuss, the meeting was reluctantly brought to a close at 6:06 pm.

Everyone wanted to stay longer, but I was not having it.

หมวด: Announcements
ฮิต: 990