
Yesterday saw a highly creditable 22 players descend on Itaewon for the doubles tournament. There were thrills and spills, Hollywood shots and unbelievable misses. After an evening of high drama the following teams emerged victorious.


1st Place: Jon Bell (Shenanigans HELL FIRES) & Foster Burden (Sam Ryan's Chalk and Awe)

2nd Place: Johnny Black (Sam Ryan's Chalk and Awe) & Scott Mansz (Sam Ryan's Chalk and Awe)

3rd Place: Kirill 'Iceman' Kim (JR Pub Super Strokers) & Andy Han (Bulldog Avengers)

4th Place: Han 'Sampaguita★' Song Yi (King Pub Timeout) & Lenny Erickson (Sam Ryan's Rats)


Well done to the winners and thanks to everyone who came out to play. Thanks also to Scott, Ben, and Darryl for helping to run the tournament.

And of course thanks and appreciation to Sam Ryans and Shenanigans for hosting.

หมวด: Announcements
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