
The first round of the playoffs will be played Sunday 25 Nov, at 4pm. Home teams are responsible for making sure their bars are open by 3:30pm for visiting teams to practise. Click Season / Playoffs to view the playoff pairings and match results.

Subsequent rounds:

QF: Wed 28 Nov, at 7:30pm

SF: Sun 2 Dec, at 4pm

Final: Wed 5 Dec, at 7:30pm

The top 16 teams at the end of the regular season will qualify for the Championship playoffs.

The bottom 12 teams will compete in the Best of the Rest playoffs. The first 5 teams will have a bye in the first round.

Click Season / Team List in the menu to view the standings of all teams, which is continuously updated by the site. How the ranking is determined is explained in the Help screen (click the [Help] button).

Captains cannot enter playoff match scores. Please drop the score sheets at Bless U after the match, so the scores can be entered by a league official.

Catégorie : Info
Affichages : 3637