
This weekend is the IPL's big weekend:

Saturday 12th September: Mid-Season Singles Trophy Tournament.

Venues: JR BBQ, Bulldog, JR Pub & Sin Bin

Sign Up: From 3-3:45pm in JR BBQ

Start: Play will begin at 4pm

Rules: Open and free of charge to anyone who has competed in 3 separate matches this season. Brackets will be split into Upper and Lower categories based on the rankings of those who compete that day. It will be a double elimination event. Upper bracket will most likely play at JR Pub and Sin Bin, Lower at JR BBQ and Bulldog. Players will gain or lose ranking points depending on their performance.

Please spread the word amongst your teams and I hope to see many of you there on Saturday.

Sunday 13th September: Mid-Season Captains' Meeting

Venue: Phillie's

Time: From 4pm

Please contact members of the executive committee by Thursday 10th September if you have any issues you feel should be raised at the meeting. All teams who send a representative will get a bonus point for their team.

Phillie's will be doing a Sunday Roast at a reasonable price for those who fancy a decent feed.

Again, I hope see many of you there on Sunday.

Category: Uncategorised
Hits: 1887