
Update: Full Details


It has come to our attention that Ryan "Briggy" Malabrigo, an IPL member since 2007, is seriously ill in hospital with liver failure. For those unaware of Briggy; he has played and worked in so many of the bars around Itaewon, he is in the Top 100 Players of All Time in the IPL and is always pleasant and jovial. After speaking with his mother, we have decided that we will hold a charity tournament on Saturday, October 12th to raise some funds to help with his treatment.


Sign Ups: Wolfhound from 3pm-3:45pm

Venues: Wolfhound & JJ's

Entry: 10,000won (with 5,000won buy back in to loser's bracket)

Tournament: Upper and Lower Brackets

Calcutta and Raffle: Organised from 4pm



The exact venue and times of the tournament are to be decided in the next few days but this will include Upper and Lower Brackets being separated, a Calcutta bidding process and a raffle. 


Raffle tickets will be on offer from tomorrow evening (October 2nd) so please bring some cash with you and support Briggy in anyway you can.


More details will follow as soon as possible.

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