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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal #3 - Money tournaments or trophy tournaments


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Proposal #3 - Money tournaments or trophy tournaments

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il y a 11 ans 3 semaines #601 par John Owens
Mark, name some bars that have tables but no teams.
(Nashville doesn't want any teams by the way.)
Bars must not be juicy bars and must have playable tables.
And I'll not wait for your list before I follow up with these questions:
Would you want to play at those bars? Would you want to set up a team at any of those bars?

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il y a 11 ans 3 semaines #602 par Mark Barnes
Pollys, Metro, Woodstock three off the top of my head.

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il y a 11 ans 3 semaines - il y a 11 ans 3 semaines #603 par Mark Barnes

and Nashville did want one, they just didn't want a bunch of yahoos. course now it's a rather moot point

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 15:24:32]:

Pollys, Metro, Woodstock three off the top of my head.
Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 3 semaines par Mark Barnes.

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il y a 11 ans 3 semaines #604 par John Owens
Re: Woodstock - my mistake, but as I counted Woodstock in my list of 18 bars currently represented, adding them has little impact.
You didn't answer my follow-up questions, so let me rephrase them into a single enquiry: To which of the remaining two bars on your list will you be migrating your team next season?
Seriously, some of the bars already in the league are so disgusting—or have tables that are so laughable—that a number of regular league players find themselves mysteriously busy on the nights their teams are scheduled to play there. How many shit holes do we want in the league?

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il y a 11 ans 3 semaines #605 par Mark Barnes
I'm not saying I have all the solutions, I know I don't. please don'tonly focus on my individual points but rather my general request to just look for better ways to conduct our league.
Is it that hard for us to put our headstogether to come up with a strategies to improve the league that enables us rather than restricts us?
The start of this thread really sums it all up, we are reducing prizes, which I'm sorry if it offends people but will reduce interest.
I'm done... If you can't see myoverall point,I don't think I will ever get it communicated.

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il y a 11 ans 3 semaines - il y a 11 ans 3 semaines #606 par Mark Barnes
thanks john, I already have a decent bar, andNO I will not migrate.
your questions and commentsare good points, all I'm asking for is some forum to address it, rather than just two meetings that are more like hearding cats. Assign a committee to look for ways to improve, take polls something....
I also left off Zion andKing bar
now I'm done

[John Owens 2013-05-16, 15:40:45]:

Re: Woodstock - my mistake, but as I counted Woodstock in my list of 18 bars currently represented, adding them has little impact.

You didn't answer my follow-up questions, so let me rephrase them into a single enquiry: To which of the remaining two bars on your list will you be migrating your team next season?

Seriously, some of the bars already in the league are so disgusting—or have tables that are so laughable—that a number of regular league players find themselves mysteriously busy on the nights their teams are scheduled to play there. How many shit holes do we want in the league?

Dernière édition: il y a 11 ans 3 semaines par Mark Barnes.

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