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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal #3 - Money tournaments or trophy tournaments


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Proposal #3 - Money tournaments or trophy tournaments

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11 년 3 주 전 - 11 년 3 주 전 #596 작성자 Jeff Potter
So you want more players so you can win more money? There are tons of amateur tournaments that you can enter in Korea.

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 10:22:43]:

Wow Really?
why don't we just divide the League into two teams and every wednesday we can meet up and not keep score, and while were at it, who needs ratings anyway.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 09:09:33]:

Why should we want more players?

Last edit: 11 년 3 주 전 by Jeff Potter.

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11 년 3 주 전 #597 작성자 Mark Barnes
No, I'm just suggesting ways to improve the league. Why do I get the feeling that anytime someone suggests any kind of improvement, the auto response is to throw hands in the air, spin aroundand fall over.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 11:59:01]:

So you want more players so you can win more money? There are tons of amateur tournaments that you can enter in Korea.

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 10:22:43]:

Wow Really?
why don't we just divide the League into two teams and every wednesday we can meet up and not keep score, and while were at it, who needs ratings anyway.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 09:09:33]:

Why should we want more players?

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11 년 3 주 전 #598 작성자 Mark Barnes

the problem I see in your assesmentis there are several bars in itaewon that have pool tables with no teams.

[John Owens 2013-05-16, 11:40:10]:

Mark, Songtan league has "damn near 650 players," but a cursory look at their website reveals they also have around 65 bars! That's ten players per bar.

Itaewon pool league has 375 players, but only 18 bars. That's over 20 players per bar.

I'd say Itaewon was a far healthier league.

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11 년 3 주 전 #599 작성자 Jeff Potter

So, because I don't see how adding more players to an already fairly large league, that means that I am against the improvement of our league? Have you ever heard of a straw man argument? This would be a perfect example.I am all for improvement. I just don't agree that adding more players will make our league better. I would actually argue that it is more likely to make it worse.

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 13:01:21]:
No, I'm just suggesting ways to improve the league. Why do I get the feeling that anytime someone suggests any kind of improvement, the auto response is to throw hands in the air, spin aroundand fall over.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 11:59:01]:

So you want more players so you can win more money? There are tons of amateur tournaments that you can enter in Korea.

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 10:22:43]:

Wow Really?
why don't we just divide the League into two teams and every wednesday we can meet up and not keep score, and while were at it, who needs ratings anyway.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 09:09:33]:

Why should we want more players?

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11 년 3 주 전 #600 작성자 Mark Barnes
So, back to my proposal. I suggest electing a committee of "senior players" or what ever 6-10 to look at the what were doing, and explore options for restructuring the league, or modifying it to make improvements to the way we collect dues, conduct games etc...
so that we can afford to:

A. have kick ass rowdy banquets
B. donate to charities
C. haveawesomemeaningful prizes
D. grow as players...
E. laugh at kyle and Lennard etc...

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 13:58:27]:

So, because I don't see how adding more players to an already fairly large league, that means that I am against the improvement of our league? Have you ever heard of a straw man argument? This would be a perfect example.
I am all for improvement. I just don't agree that adding more players will make our league better. I would actually argue that it is more likely to make it worse.

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 13:01:21]:

No, I'm just suggesting ways to improve the league. Why do I get the feeling that anytime someone suggests any kind of improvement, the auto response is to throw hands in the air, spin aroundand fall over.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 11:59:01]:

So you want more players so you can win more money? There are tons of amateur tournaments that you can enter in Korea.

[Mark Barnes 2013-05-16, 10:22:43]:

Wow Really?
why don't we just divide the League into two teams and every wednesday we can meet up and not keep score, and while were at it, who needs ratings anyway.

[Jeff Potter 2013-05-16, 09:09:33]:

Why should we want more players?

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11 년 3 주 전 #601 작성자 John Owens
Mark, name some bars that have tables but no teams.
(Nashville doesn't want any teams by the way.)
Bars must not be juicy bars and must have playable tables.
And I'll not wait for your list before I follow up with these questions:
Would you want to play at those bars? Would you want to set up a team at any of those bars?

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.063 초


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