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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal #3 - Money tournaments or trophy tournaments



Proposal #3 - Money tournaments or trophy tournaments

11 ปี 3 สัปดาห์ ที่ผ่านมา #609 โดย Lenny Erickson
Well, that was fun.
I would be all for a committee. Not sure it would ever happen, since we can barely find four people willing to run for executive committee positions.Also, we need to keep in mind that the Songtan league is stocked largely with military personnel.
Our league is fundamentally against any increase in fees, as there was much wailing and gnashing of teeth when we increased team fees by 50,000 won per season after no increases for the first 15 years of the the league.
The formation of 'super-teams' is, in my opinion, what is causing shrinkage in our league. Whereas in the past, there were one or two pretty good players on each team (with a few exceptions), now most of the top players have migrated to one of 4 or 5 teams. It's all well and good, but it does result in fewer teams.
Truly, though, if the league is being judged solely on how much money is offered for tournaments, then shame on the judges. Most people are not really interested in their league dues being used to supplement the income of the non-drinking, top-tier tournament hounds. I also doubt that even a small number of people have decided not to join our league because the tournament payouts are little or none.
I personally don't care. I show up regardless of the prizes because I enjoy the atmosphere and kind of enjoy seeing the upsets (as well as upset players) that inevitably happen.
Anyway, when people say that things need to change, and accuse us of being against change, I really wish they would come up with a working solution, not vague ideas. And then I would like those same people not to complain when holes are shot in their proposals. Why would we refuse to accept a usable idea?
Ideas are great, keep coming up with them. I really hope we can find solutions to the problems of a shrinking league and less funds to work with.
Your current executive committee is committed to making sure that we preserve the integrity of the end-of-season banquet, since that is the one thing that all members can participate in and benefit from if they so desire.
Lenny Erickson

กรุณา เข้าสู่ระบบ เพื่อเข้าร่วมวงสนทนา

11 ปี 3 สัปดาห์ ที่ผ่านมา #610 โดย Lenny Erickson
I feel compelled to make one more comment, lest people (and especially yourself) get the wrong idea. I am in no way upset with you for posting about this. I appreciate it.
This thread clearly demonstrates one of the problems we encounter at every turn. A very good point has been raised, and only 6 people give enough of a crap to join the fray.
Every item on the cat-herding meeting's agenda was posted prior to the meeting, with the request for debate. Nothing. Not even a meow.
When the executive committee does take initiative even on the smallest of issues, we get complaints afterward for not putting things up for vote. We only get 15 out of 25 teams represented in the captains' meetings.
If even a few people cared as much as you do, the league would be much stronger.
So, even if I don't necessarily agree with all of your comments, I certainly do appreciate your comments. Except, maybe, lumping making fun of me and making fun of Kyle in the same category. That hurt. Making fun of me should be a category all its own.
Lenny Erickson

กรุณา เข้าสู่ระบบ เพื่อเข้าร่วมวงสนทนา

11 ปี 3 สัปดาห์ ที่ผ่านมา #611 โดย Mark Barnes

No offense taken here, and I'm not angry though I might come off that way. I think you, Alan, Jeff and Em have done a great job with the circumstances you have. And I think it's great that we have great people like Bernard and Owens who selflessly contribute to the league.

I was offering examples, not really solutions. I think it's a waste of time to shoot down someone's examples when they are trying to make a larger point. (which was we need to find a way to incrementally improve)

I think we can find people to do this. the question then becomes what is the easiest way to improve. I don't think the organizational Captains meeting is a good forum to discuss major changes. That's why i think a comittee of some sort would fit.

I absolutely agree that we should preserve the banquet! that's why I personally think a betterdues strategyneeds to be addressed.

For example// If team dues were150 at the beginning of the seasonand every week you collected18-20 cheon won from every teamwho played (home captain is responsible for dropping off scoresheets and money at a HQ bar, yes just like the dart league). you would have enough money to run the league without having to make any sacrifices.(please don't focus onjust my example)

BTW, the only reason I come out is to laugh at you both....

กรุณา เข้าสู่ระบบ เพื่อเข้าร่วมวงสนทนา

ผู้ดูแล: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
เวลาที่ใช้ในการสร้างหน้าเว็บ: 0.118 วินาที


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