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Qualifying Matches

10 Jahre 11 Monate her #631 von Charlie Brennan
Qualifying Matches wurde erstellt von Charlie Brennan
I propose that we raise the number of matches needed to qualify for the playoffs. I understand that people cannot come every week but 25% seems a little on the low side; aren't the playoffs supposed to be the regular teams playing off? If people don't want to/cannot come to our league regularly, why should they play in the playoffs?
We could have an exception perhaps for players new to the league; this could just apply to existing players.
I propose 50%/10 appearances.
Let the controversy commence ;-)

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10 Jahre 11 Monate her #634 von Mark Barnes
I agree, I also think we should raise the Banquet threshold from a single game to at least 5 appearances..

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10 Jahre 11 Monate her #638 von Alan Green
I don't see a major issue with the number of matches to qualify for the playoffs. The minimum games requirement is to try and stop teams sneaking in ringers at the last moment. Those teams would always find some arrangement to benefit them if so inclined. Rather, raising the minimum matches requirement could hurt other teams or players who genuinely can'tmake the majority of Wednesdays.

As for the minimum requiremment to attend the banquet, it does seem a little low. However,players thatplay just once or twice during a season are less likely to attend the banquet.

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10 Jahre 11 Monate her #641 von Bernard Condrau
The 5 game minimum to participate in playoffs was introduced to avoid teams bringing in a "ringer" to gain advantage in the playoffs who does not participate in the league. I played several teams in best of the rest playoffs over the past few years who had difficulties fielding a team with 6 players who fulfilled the 5 game minimum. I would therefore suggest to keep it that way.
The banquet is financed through the team dues, there are no instructions on how the dues are collected within the teams. Although unlikely, it is possible that a player contributes to the dues and then plays (or can play) only once or twice during the season. We should encourage as many members of the league as possible to participate in the banquet, which fosters team spirit and sportsmanship. Also, it allows to transfer information and messages to more members than any other event in the league.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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10 Jahre 11 Monate her #643 von Mark Barnes
Well, I think if you plan for all 392 players to attendyou'd be over planning alittle, which would in turn drive dues higher. There are only 25 teams, if ten people show up from each team you'd still only have 250 people(which I think is still unlikely). @ 30,000 won a platethat's almost a difference of 4.5 million won.
If you qualified it with peoplewho are more likely to attend, players that played more frequently ratherthan just some dude your captain grabbed one night to avoid a forfeit.
I think it would be easier for the executive committee to determine an appropriate venue and reservation size.
frankly, the winter banquetvenue dwarfed the party size.

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10 Jahre 11 Monate her #647 von Bernard Condrau
How many people do we normally have at the banquet? Around 150 maybe, give or take a few, including 20-30 paying guests.
I'm sure the executive committee welcomes any proposals for alternative venues for 100+ people. Or are you suggesting to downsize the banquet so we can fit into one of our bars?

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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