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Rating Formula

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #798 par Arnaud Ogier
Réponse de Arnaud Ogier sur le sujet Re:Rating Formula
:-) Love you Captain!

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #799 par Bernard Condrau
Réponse de Bernard Condrau sur le sujet Re:Rating Formula
Our rating system has been discussed many times over the years, let me make some comments with the website and administration of our league in mind.
  1. FIDE determines initial ratings based on the performance of the first event (e.g. tournament - several games). We do not do this, and it would not be feasible for the IPL considering the many new players each season, and that they can join the league by playing just 1 game in any week of the season.
  2. For a 2000 player to lose 70 points in one day he or she would need to lose 3 times to a 1600 player (2 singles and 1 doubles). Arno, how many times did this happen in the past?
  3. With the current website code, asymmetric results are not possible. Less points lost by the higher rated player would mean less points won by the lower rated player.
  4. Already now, many members of our league do not fully understand, how ratings are calculated. I see no point in making this even more difficult.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #800 par Arnaud Ogier
Réponse de Arnaud Ogier sur le sujet Re:Rating Formula
Well, it was just a suggestion and I fully understand Lenny when he 's bored of all these numbers and statistics (It's just a professional weird reflex as soon as I see numbers...). I also agree with you Bernard that complexify the rating system is maybe not the best thing to do. I am just bored to hear players (me first) complaining about losing 31 pts for one loss and gain 5 pts for three wins, so I was trying to see if there was an easy turnaround to these.

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #801 par Jeff Potter
Réponse de Jeff Potter sur le sujet Re:Rating Formula
My suggestion is if you don't want to lose 30 points in one game, keep your rating below 1800 (that's what I do B)). Problem solved. You are welcome.

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #802 par Bernard Condrau
Réponse de Bernard Condrau sur le sujet Re:Rating Formula
Well Arno, here is the good news. With your current rating, you would need to lose to a 1245 rated player to lose 31 points in one game, and we do not have anyone rated that low in the league. And if we had (such a player), and you would (lose), then you probably would deserve to lose the 31 points.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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il y a 10 ans 1 mois #803 par Arnaud Ogier
Réponse de Arnaud Ogier sur le sujet Re:Rating Formula
Guys when I say 31 pts it's an imaginary (literary meaning) number (with imaginary (math meaning) part =0 ) that you should take as X > Y and Y is too big. Don't always stick on the text but consider the overall idea.

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