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Bob Denny

13 Jahre 9 Monate her #42 von Jim Dewey
Bob Denny wurde erstellt von Jim Dewey
Bob Denny passed away in the morning of August 26 in Florida, USA. Our thoughts are with his family. As founder of the Itaewon Pool League Bob provided the opportunity for hundreds of players in thousands of matches to enjoy the game of pool. Each and everyone of us can be thankful for what Bob has shared with us. He will be missed by all that knew him. The league will send flowers.

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  • Matt Chung
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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #43 von Matt Chung
Matt Chung antwortete auf Re:Bob Denny
Rest in peace, Chicago Bob.

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  • Englishmike
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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #44 von Englishmike
Englishmike antwortete auf Re:Bob Denny
My thoughts are with the family. I'm sad and shocked to hear of Bob's death. Cracking fella and an absolute pleasure to have known him for so many years.
For those who remember the good old times ofour great Seoul Pub team and the comforting wordsof the boss 'just shoot the ball damn it!", rest in peace Bob

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  • Paparazzi
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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #45 von Paparazzi
Paparazzi antwortete auf Re:Bob Denny
I'll be sure to raise a shot glass or two in in Itaewon in memory of Bob.I have a photo of Bob posing for the Korea Times piece that Peter did in 2008. I hope the link comes thru: www.koreatimes.co.kr/www/news/special/2009/12/177_26049.html if not here is the pic on the IPL flickr site: www.flickr.com/photos/itaewonpoolleague/3255053294/ or here: Itaewon Pool League 001 by Itaewon Pool League, on Flickr
R.I.P. Bob

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  • June S Han
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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #47 von June S Han
June S Han antwortete auf Re:Bob Denny
Yes, I remember 2003 he started Itaewon Pool League.
I was lonely girl at that time. If he didn't start pool League in Itaewon, I wouldn't have wonderful friends now I have. Thanks Bob, Rest In Peace. Thank you.

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  • Nobber
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13 Jahre 9 Monate her #48 von Nobber
Nobber antwortete auf Re:Bob Denny
Very sad to hear this bad news.
If it starts raining 8 balls on Itaewon, you'll know Bob's keeping an eye on things.
I miss you, mate.

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