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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal to have a rotating trophy


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Proposal to have a rotating trophy

10 Jahre 2 Monate her #745 von Lenny Erickson
Proposal for a rotating championship trophy.

Currently, the IPL is awarding trophies to six teams per season. The top three teams in the Championship bracket each get large trophies, descending in scale, as do the top three teams in the Best of the Rest bracket. Most of these trophies end up stashed away somewhere, never to be seen again.

We are proposing that we establish a rotating trophy for the Championship bracket, with the winning teams' names inscribed on it each season. The winning team keeps the trophy until the end of the following season, where it is inscribed with the team name of the new champion, and handed over to the championship team at the banquet. This would preserve a record of our champions, and bring a bit of ceremony to the awarding of the championship trophy.

Players on the winning teams would still get individual trophies or medallions.

Second and third place teams in the Championship bracket, and first through third place in the Best of the Rest bracket would receive banners, similar to the dart league banners. These banners would have the bar name, team name, and the names of 8 members of the team (currently, that is the limit that can be put on a banner). The 8 players with the most games played for the winning team would be included on the banner.

The Championship team would receive a banner, as a permanent award, in addition to the honor of housing the rotating trophy.
Please give us your thoughts on this.

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10 Jahre 2 Monate her #754 von Jeff Potter
A few of us were discussing the rotating trophy idea at the banquet. We all agreed that it is a great idea and would love to see it implemented.

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