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Proposal to make all doubles games scotch doubles

10 Jahre 2 Monate her #762 von Lenny Erickson
Now, now, Paul, I never called you names.
I threw some adjectives your way, and openly questioned your manhood, but nary a name was used.
Lenny Erickson

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10 Jahre 2 Monate her #765 von Mick Daigle
Leave it the way it is, up to the home team.

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10 Jahre 2 Monate her #768 von Arnaud Ogier
What is the fun in regular doubles? I even don't see the point to play doubles in this case. I even not sure regular doubles are still existing in any other billiard federations.

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10 Jahre 2 Monate her #769 von Jeff Potter
Lenny,Your belief does not make it fact. I was also at that meeting and I "believe" that most people voted to make it optional because a significant number of players disliked scotch doubles. Anyway, do what you want Lenny Erickson. State your opinion as fact. Take over the league with your blatant abuse of power. You should just rename the doubles, "Lenny Doubles". Heck....The LPL....Lenny Pool League. Why not?

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10 Jahre 2 Monate her #770 von Lenny Erickson
Sorry, Jeff, in my attempt to not hurt your feelings, I may have misled you.
It was not my "belief" which made it a fact, it was the fact that it is a fact that made it a fact. It was not unanimous, nor was it "pretty much" unanimous.
Anyway, as stated earlier, that was many long years ago. It has been mentioned to me by a number of individuals, most of whom, Johnny, I am pretty sure were not on pot at the time, that we should take a vote on making all doubles games scotch doubles. I won't preclude that from a vote simply because people didn't like it years ago.
By the way, do you think people would go for changing the names of things associated to the IPL to Lenny? It sounds pretty cool to me. And I quite enjoy exercising blatant abuse of my powers. I have so many, you know.
Lenny Erickson

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10 Jahre 2 Monate her #772 von Jeff Potter
Lenny,The 'belief' I was referring to was in your statement about why people didn't want only scotch doubles anymore. You passed that thought off as a fact and them proceeded to base the rest of your argument upon it. Though you pointed out that it may be a fact that it wasn't "pretty much unanimous", that doesn't mean that the rest of your post will just inevitably be true. But I guess that is Lenny Erickson. The Dictator. The Czar. The Chairman. The totalitarian. BTW, what exactly were you insinuating about people "being high". I take great offense.

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