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Re-examining the shot-clock rule

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il y a 10 ans 2 mois #748 par Lenny Erickson
Optional shot clock – revisited.

At the organizational meeting, we voted in the following rule:

Players will now be given the option of using a shot-clock for their games. Before each game, the referee needs to ask the two players if they want to implement a shot-clock for that particular game. If neither player wishes to use a shot-clock, then players may take as long as they wish to make shots during the game. If either player (it does not need to be both players) states that they wish to use a shot-clock, then the following shot-clock rule will go into effect for that game.
Shot-clock rule:
A player will have 90 seconds to strike the cue ball from the moment the cue ball comes to a stop from the previous shot. A player may have one 30-second extension per game. Referees should let the player know when 60 seconds has passed, and then if the player exceeds 90 seconds more than once during the game, it will be considered a foul, and ball in hand will be awarded to their opponent.

At the organizational meeting, it was agreed to examine how this was working, and then decide at the mid-season captains' meeting if we should keep it or alter it in any way.

Now is the time to give us your thoughts regarding this.

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il y a 10 ans 2 mois #756 par Mark Barnes
At the first meeting we also all agreed not to be D*cks about it too,
What I have found that what works well is that (being that this rule has been invoked on my team almost every night, save a few.)

-if Both captains time the match together.

-Most teams have concured with allowing the player to address the table before the clock starts, not when the ball comes to a rest. (within a few seconds here or there)

-also allowing the shooting teams Captain to announce 60 seconds has expired, and they have 30 seconds left, that it's a familiar voice should eliviate confrontational Refs.

-once the player is in shooting position, allowing this to satisfy the clock, unless he/she gets up again then it should resume worked well enough.

following these "don't be a D*ck" policies and understanding that the point of timed matches is to speed the night up over all, not give one team an advantage.

Every team I've played has had a positive experience following these guidlines, in lue of being completely strict.

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il y a 10 ans 2 mois #788 par Ronan Spillane
The optional shot clock has caused some problems in our matches. Quite often the opposing player/ captain has reacted as if he is being victimized in some way. I can understand that, to be fair. There should be a shot clock for everyone, or no shot clock at all.
Anyway, 90 seconds is way too long if the point of the shot clock is to speed games up! Should be a minute, max.

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il y a 10 ans 2 mois #789 par Arnaud Ogier
Agree Ronan,It should be 60 seconds after break, and 30 seconds for all other shots with one time out.

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