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Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame Candidate - Mike "Oz" Osenton

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il y a 9 ans 2 mois - il y a 9 ans 2 mois #886 par Lenny Erickson
Mike “Oz” Osenton -

Mike “Oz” Osenton was one of the original members of the Itaewon Pool League way back in 2001. When I first joined the leage in 2003, Oz had already established himself as one of the pillars of the league.

Oz, apart from his pool skills, has contributed in a way that not many of you may know about. For many years, the schedule had to be made manually, by working it out on a piece of paper, and it literally took days to do. Often, the Executive Committee would release the first three weeks of the schedule, and then try to work out the rest of the schedule. It was a nightmare for the Executive Committee. It is not an easy task, since some bars have two teams, so conflicts often come up. Also, each team needs to have 10 home and 10 away games. A scheduling nightmare.

Fortunately, Oz created a computer program that takes all of the various conditions into consideration, and generates a schedule. He has graciously calculated our schedule for us for at least four years now, and without him, the Itaewon Pool League would be a mess.

Mike “Oz” Osenton belongs in the Itaewon Pool League Hall of Fame.

Lenny Erickson
Dernière édition: il y a 9 ans 2 mois par Lenny Erickson.

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