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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Some questions...


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Some questions...

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7 년 11 월 전 #995 작성자 Joshua Suarez
What are the guidelines for a team (with a strong record) to remain in their division...? Team Name should carry over? Captain should be the same? Venue? Core team members? (If so, how many?)Will Bulldog E-style and 3 Alley Misfits move to Division II since that division's top three teams scored higher than they did...? How does that all work?Also, how can we make the Itaewon league grow...? It seems to be shrinking. Teams are either just reshufflingor disbanding... (I think about 4-5 teams will be disbanding next season...) Ideas?
PS. It would be fun to organize a top 16 player tournament at the end of each season. (Race to 5 or something) Rated games.

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7 년 11 월 전 #996 작성자 Bernard Condrau
Teams are defined by their players, not by captain, team name, or venue. There is no defined rule on how many players need to stay on the team for that team to continue to be the same team. Captains or team representatives define the team during team registration at the beginning of the season, indicating whether the team is new, changed name, and/or changed the venue. If no clear information is given, then the league officials will make a decision. With the current structure of skill based divisions this will require more effort than in the past.

Click Seasons under menu entry Season and select a season other than the current one, then click on your team (or any other team) to see the different names (and venues) the team adopted over time.

How the promotion and relegation between divisions work was discussed and decided in the last captain's meeting, check out the minutes under menu entry Information > Meeting Minutes for details. Only one team of divisions Stripes and Low Ball get promoted, and one team of divisions Solids and Stripes get relegated. How to deal with teams not continuing to play, and with variation in the number of teams per season, will be determined by the league officials. Total team scores can only be compared within the same division since we adopted skill based divisions.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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7 년 11 월 전 #1001 작성자 Joshua Suarez
Replied by Joshua Suarez on topic Re:Some questions...
Thank you Bernard. This helps clarify things. I'm considering starting a new team, with a number of players from my previous team. We're still not sure if we want to be considered a "new" team all in all... (as this would place us in a different division) or maintain our current division status (which is pretty high). This is something to dwell upon. Cheers~

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.037 초


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