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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal to LIVE STREAM Finals.


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Proposal to LIVE STREAM Finals.

7 Jahre 11 Monate her #1051 von Paul Riddle
It is getting easier to do these days with things like facebook live. This would give everyone an opportunity that lives far away or is at home to watch. Perhaps even extend it to semifinals. I don't think we would need any special equipment, just a smart phone. I think there are ways to do this for free. Any experts want to chime in?I think it would be easy to implement. Let's vote on it.Paul

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7 Jahre 11 Monate her #1066 von Lenny Erickson
But wouldn't that cut in to ticket sales?
I guess it would be better for you, Paul. Then you wouldn't have to come all the way into Itaewon to watch the finals next season.
Lenny Erickson

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7 Jahre 11 Monate her #1067 von Paul Riddle
I think it would be fun for anybody to be able to watch the streaming. The people who want to watch in person are still going to go watch it in person. Hopefully I see you in real life in our next final match Lenny :)

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7 Jahre 11 Monate her #1069 von Lenny Erickson
That would be fine, Paul. And if you play your cards right, maybe the Rats will be nice to you and let you play doubles again in the playoffs.

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