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the two teams with 2 byes

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il y a 7 ans 2 mois #1104 par Dave Thornton
it was recently brought to my attention that there are two teams with two byes. this second bye will cause one of the teams to be unable to achieve enough points for 1st or 2nd place, which they are in the running for right now. is it possible to just have these two teams play each other in order to keep them from losing points, I mean it doesn't seem fair that everyone elseonly lost points for 1 bye while these two teamslose points for an additional bye.

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il y a 7 ans 2 mois #1105 par Lenny Erickson
Réponse de Lenny Erickson sur le sujet Re:the two teams with 2 byes
This will be addressed at the captains' meeting on March 26th. Don't worry, we are not screwing anyone, and it has already been explained in great detail to the captains of the two teams affected.
Lenny Erickson

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