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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • Proposal: Eliminate Sunday playoff matches


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Proposal: Eliminate Sunday playoff matches

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7 년 2 주 전 #1107 작성자 John Owens
We are a Wednesday night league.Let's not schedule playoff matches for Sunday afternoons anymore.Sunday afternoon matches were a necessity in the past when so many teams competed in one or two big playoffs.They are no longer needed -- byzantine playoff formats notwithstanding!Please can we have captains vote on this broad proposal at the next meeting of the mighty?To avoid having half a dozen options lead to a lack of consensus,let's have captains choose simply between keeping or killing Sunday play-off games -- the executive committee can work out the details if we vote for this change. (Hint: You should definitely vote for the changes!)Thanks.

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7 년 5 일 전 #1108 작성자 Mark Barnes
Quit trying to make changes to the league we love JOHN!

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7 년 5 일 전 #1109 작성자 John Owens
I accept that you disagree with me, but your punctuation is horrendous. Let me fix that for you:
Quit trying to make changes to the league. We love JOHN!

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7 년 5 일 전 #1110 작성자 Mark Barnes
Thanks, grammar Nazi.

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.163 초


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