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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • scoresheet: Bless-U Cueing Truants vs. Scrooge Pub Humbugs


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scoresheet: Bless-U Cueing Truants vs. Scrooge Pub Humbugs

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13 년 6 월 전 #82 작성자 Dave Kwak
there are some mistakes on the scoring for the last match, Bless-U Cueing Truants vs. Scrooge Pub Humbugsinstead of "Danny Wilson", should be "Darryl Dawson"
also, last doubles match is listed as a loss, but should be listed as a "Forfeit" (Jeff was called away, and the game was not played).

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13 년 6 월 전 #83 작성자 Bernard Condrau
Thanks Dave, it is updated.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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13 년 6 월 전 #84 작성자 Dave Kwak
nice speedy service!

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.027 초


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