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Path:HomeForumLeague ForumGeneral • ****offs!


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il y a 4 ans 6 mois #1225 par John Owens
****offs! a été créé par John Owens
So our WEDNESDAY league is still playing some of the most important matches of the season on SUNDAYS. Every member with children or family obligations thanks you for continuing this tradition.

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il y a 4 ans 6 mois - il y a 4 ans 6 mois #1226 par John Owens
Réponse de John Owens sur le sujet ****offs!
I see I've stirred up a massive debate here, so at the risk of being drowned out, I'll add the following thoughts:

Do we really even need to squeeze in two games a week now that the seasons are shorter anyway? (And we didn't even get a week off for Chuseok this year!) And if the answer is 'yes', why aren't we squeezing in the second game on a weekday evening? It could be Monday 7.30 and Wednesday 7.30.

Just saying.
Dernière édition: il y a 4 ans 6 mois par John Owens.

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il y a 4 ans 6 mois #1227 par Rob Song
Réponse de Rob Song sur le sujet ****offs!
Yeah I totally agree! Somehow, if possible and God willing....playoffs should not be on the weekends.

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il y a 4 ans 6 mois #1228 par John Owens
Réponse de John Owens sur le sujet ****offs!
Thanks, Rob.

There we go: it's unanimous.

Exec, let's get this done!

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il y a 1 an 9 mois #1252 par John Owens
Réponse de John Owens sur le sujet ****offs!
Congratulations to the exec for axing Sunday playoffs, you beautiful bastards!!!! 

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il y a 1 an 9 mois #1253 par Ronan Spillane
Réponse de Ronan Spillane sur le sujet ****offs!
Only because we have 12 teams and a short season!!

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