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Time to break up Bulldog Superstrokers

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1 년 7 월 전 - 1 년 7 월 전 #1254 작성자 John Owens
This team has the top 3 players in the league.
This team has 7 of the top 10 players in the league.
This team's EIGHTH highest-ranked player is ranked 14th in the entire league.

This is boring,

Time to break them up.

What we need is a new rule -- something like:

"No team may have more than 2 players who ranked in the top 10 at the end of the previous season."

EDIT: Wow! This shitpost kicked off a massive debate! Settle down lads!
Last edit: 1 년 7 월 전 by John Owens.

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1 년 4 월 전 #1259 작성자 Mark Barnes
I recommend you change your playing format to smaller sets, to accommodate the changes in size of your league, perhaps this would cause teams to spread out more and generate more teams, that is if you have the venues for it.
다음의 사용자들이 귀하에게 감사의 말을 전합니다.: Sang Young Park

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1 년 4 월 전 #1260 작성자 John Owens
Break up MY team?! The cheek! 

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.029 초


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