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To Philie's Drunks

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13 년 10 월 전 #8 작성자 June Han
To Philie's Drunks was created by June Han
Hello nice to meet you of all. It was great to meet your guys at BlessU.
And sorry for my awkward behavior since this is the first time for me to do captain's job and my apology not to show a good sportsmanship & hospitality since i got a job and it make me tired all the time and also make me stay away achole, which probably make me glumpy & shy. But i have to get used to it now. And i will give your guy a big smile.
Philie's Drunks are nice people and good players. I look forward to playing your team again.
Why don't you people coming to play Killer on Saterday @ BlessU?
We do killer game every saturday, hope to see you guys soon.
Good day,

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모더레이터: Lenny EricksonDominic Johnson
페이지 생성 시간: 0.022 초


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