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Tournament Locations...

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il y a 13 ans 2 mois #127 par Andy Luv
Tournament Locations... a été créé par Andy Luv
I'm curious how the tournament locations are determined? Is it arbitrary? imho, I think the players should vote a week or two weeks before the tournament to determine the locations. That would be fair. =)Our team has played at all of the locations that will hold the tournaments and some of the tables have serious issues. I'm not talking about minor issues like an old beer stained felt with pubic hairs or a table that's not level, but pockets that reject balls and wall obstructions that make breaking from the center impossible. There might be some angry players on Saturday.Just my 2 cents.

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il y a 13 ans 2 mois #128 par Bernard Condrau
Réponse de Bernard Condrau sur le sujet Re:Tournament Locations...
We play in bars, and not all bars have the same quality of tables, all right. We try to consider all the bars in the league regularly, but not the same bars in consecutive tournaments. Also, some bars don't want to have tournaments on Saturdays or don't want to open early enough to allow the tournament to start 4pm.

Another requirement is that the bars participating in the tournament are located reasonably close together. This, unfortunately, rules out Phillie's.

Out of these, all bars have been considered during the past 2 seasons.

Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from making bad decisions. [Samuel Langhorne Clemens]

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