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부터 까지 내력보기
Summer / Fall 2010 시즌
2010-10-2013Kel 'KeL' Birkman
The Loft SticksMiles Prowse
John Tucker
Zion Exodus1630
2010-10-209Kel 'KeL' BirkmanThe Loft SticksJung-Hee 'Josie' KimZion Exodus1625
2010-10-205Kel 'KeL' BirkmanThe Loft SticksMiles ProwseZion Exodus1615
Winter / Spring 2010 시즌
2010-05-3014Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Friend's You and Me'Mina'
Dolce Vita Crazy1600
2010-05-3012Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Ruby'Dolce Vita Crazy1610
2010-05-301Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Simon'Dolce Vita Crazy1631
2010-05-1913Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Friend's You and Me'Ken'
Dolce Vita Crazy1648
2010-05-1910Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Ruby'Dolce Vita Crazy1644
2010-05-1213Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Jason McLure
Friend's You and Me'Paparazzi'
The Loft Sticks1667
2010-05-1212Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Gwapo'The Loft Sticks1657
2010-05-124Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Gwapo'The Loft Sticks1661
2010-04-1413Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Friend's You and MeLenny Erickson
Matthew Elliott
Shenanigans Cueing Truants1665
2010-04-147Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeDave KwakShenanigans Cueing Truants1671
2010-04-141Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeLenny EricksonShenanigans Cueing Truants1652
2010-03-3114Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Lawrence Irvine
Friend's You and Me'Useless'
Scrooge Pub Humbugs1664
2010-03-3111Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Darna'Scrooge Pub Humbugs1668
2010-03-311Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Raveon'Scrooge Pub Humbugs1647
2010-03-2414Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Allan James
Friend's You and MeAlan Green
Ole' Stompers 3001663
2010-03-248Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Kuzzy'Ole' Stompers 3001668
2010-03-242Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeMark 'Poirot' LeachOle' Stompers 3001681
2010-03-1713Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Friend's You and Me'Wolverine'
Tony 'Ice' Iafelice
Hollywood Sharks1662
2010-03-179Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeTony 'Ice' IafeliceHollywood Sharks1651
2010-03-171Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and Me'Wolverine'Hollywood Sharks1632
2010-03-1014Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Allan James
Friend's You and MeMick Daigle
Uncle Johan Stenstroem
Fat Alberts Wild Hogs'1638
2010-03-1011Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeDavid 'Rollio WHO' ImFat Alberts Wild Hogs'1644
2010-03-102Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeSheery '8 Ball' M. AshrafFat Alberts Wild Hogs'1624
2010-02-2415Kel 'KeL' Birkman
Allan James
Friend's You and Me'Drongo'
Mark Jolin
Fat Alberts Pink Panthers1605
2010-02-2410Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeCarolyn PapworthFat Alberts Pink Panthers1597
2010-02-243Kel 'KeL' BirkmanFriend's You and MeCarolyn PapworthFat Alberts Pink Panthers1615


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