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Afficher chronologie depuis jusqu'à
DatePartieJoueurÉquipeAdversaireÉquipeClassementVictoiretous billes
Summer / Fall 2017 Saison
2017-10-1110Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the PoolRaza JaanBull and Barrel Ballisticks1541
2017-10-112Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the PoolJorge HernandezBull and Barrel Ballisticks1554
2017-09-2714Brooke McKuhen
Zach Brown
Dolce Vita Cool in the Pool'Red Bata Devil'
'Skippy the Kangaroo'
JR Pub Pinoy Mafia1569
2017-09-2711Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the Pool'Red Bata Devil'JR Pub Pinoy Mafia1573
2017-09-274Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the Pool'Oragon'JR Pub Pinoy Mafia1576
2017-08-232Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the PoolScottie WilsonThe Hidden Cellar Cue Tips1581
2017-08-168Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the PoolJoe DorauDolce Vita Sweet Life1563
2017-08-0915Brooke McKuhen
Zach Brown
Dolce Vita Cool in the PoolAhmad 'Khan' Khan
Sung Hak Ji
Bulldog Super Power1581
2017-08-0911Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the PoolAhmad 'Khan' KhanBulldog Super Power1586
2017-08-092Brooke McKuhenDolce Vita Cool in the PoolTim ShinBulldog Super Power1593
2017-08-0213Brooke McKuhen
Zach Brown
Dolce Vita Cool in the Pool'Anna'
JuHyung Lee
Dolce Vita Sweet Life1608


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